Anne-Marie Heydeck

I love all the heritage surrounding us every day, very old, oldish and new. The spaces we create today will be the heritage of our future generation. We have so much knowledge and vast technologies today, so that we can chose to maintain, repair, abolish or add. Architecture makes suggestions, what these spaces could feel like, where we sleep, work, meet, plant a garden, feed  our pets, and ask rather humble questions. How do we want to live, how much do we really need and what do we leave behind?

Anne-Marie is an architect based in Berlin. She is a network partner at onpa, a curatorial collective based in Tokyo and Berlin. 
She was trained as an architect in both Germany and Japan. She studied Architecture, Scenography and Fine Arts in Weimar, Berlin and Paris, as well as Japanese and Chinese language in Tokyo and Nanjing.
She held a teaching assignment at Bauhaus-Univerisity Weimar and is a collaborating member of Architekturpreis Berlin e.V. and Kizuna Berlin e.V. 


Anne-Marie Heydeck
Architektenkammer Berlin, 19440

Senefelderstr. 26
10437 Berlin, Germany
+49 171 2878137

© 2025

Anne-Marie Heydeck

I love all the heritage surrounding us every day, very old, oldish and new. The spaces we create today will be the heritage of our future generation. We have so much knowledge and vast technologies today, so that we can chose to maintain, repair, abolish or add. Architecture makes suggestions, what these spaces could feel like, where we sleep, work, meet, plant a garden, feed  our pets, and ask rather humble questions. How do we want to live, how much do we really need and what do we leave behind?

Anne-Marie has been trained as an architect in Germany and Japan for five years. She is a partner at onpa, a curatorial collective based in Tokyo and Berlin.

She studied Architecture, Scenography and Fine Arts in Weimar, Berlin and Paris, as well as Japanese and Chinese language in Tokyo and Nanjing.
She held a teaching assignment at Bauhaus-Univerisity Weimar and is a collaborating member of Architekturpreis Berlin e.V. and Kizuna Berlin e.V.


Anne-Marie Heydeck
M.Sc. in Architecture

Senefelderstr. 26
10437 Berlin, Germany
+49 171 2878137

© 2024

“100 Years”

Nobody has lived in this old twonhouse “machiya” in Kanazawa’s “Higashi-yama chayagai” in 10 years. It looks like a ghost house, but it is one of the very few from the Meiji era 100 years ago. A hint on to the forgotten landscape in the center of Japan. 

Exhibition with Kyoka and Ueno Masaaki (Raster Media) at Unofficial Preview Gallery, Seoul, South Korea.

Exhibition Seoul, 2017